Tracy Ellyn Top Artists in the Arts and Healing

Everyday People, Make the World Get Round – Meet Tracy Ellyn

Artist & Arts Advocate, Tracy Ellyn. Delight visit world wide

Proper name: Tracy Ellyn

Championship: Artist and Arts Abet

Company: Tracy Ellyn Fine Arts and The Zen Tov Project

Major Urban center Where You Work: Miami, Florida, USA

City Where You Live: Miami, Florida

Delight, share your personal and cultural background with our readers. Where did you abound up?

My personal background is Jewish Ashkenazi. Having lived in Miami and marrying a Cuban American, my ii sons were half Cuban and I lived that wonderful multicultural life that is American-Cuban-Jewish.

Please share with us a current typical twenty-four hours or week in your everyday personal life.

A typical day in my life consists of creating art, a lot of information technology. My fine fine art pieces get juried into, and sold at, a diversity of exhibitions around the world, but the more important aspect of my piece of work correct at present is placing my work in healing venues such as hospitals, and having it placed on covers of professional person medical journals at Harvard.

Tell united states of america why you do, what y'all practise, for a living.

I find it important to bring more of the arts (in my example, visual fine art) into the earth. The arts accept shown to be insightful and healing on a soul level, bringing sensation of self, others, and the world around the states. It lifts our spirits both physically and psychologically. When people are sick, the arts demonstrate empirically to lower claret pressure level, heal illnesses faster, require less medication, lower hurting, raise self-esteem, bring hope, and and so much more.

How did you lot stop up in your line of work? Was it accidental or were y'all strategic most it?

Information technology was neither accidental nor strategic that I ended up equally a designer and an artist. From my primeval childhood memories, I was always the artist in the corner drawing, painting, beading and crocheting. My mother and grandmother were both artists and designers, as well. I knew long before college what my major would exist. It was just a thing of building a portfolio, getting through college, and moving to Manhattan to start to piece of work. Ii decades later on, I moved to Miami for my piece of work.

Tell usa almost the factors that shaped your career and business aspirations.

I am a visual person by nature. We each are born with our gift. One person is a public speaker, another could be an chaser or pol. These were meant for them and not for me. I am an empath. I am visual and care about how people experience. I am enlightened that people do process visuals 60,000 times faster than text (Thermopylae Sciences). Ninety per centum of what is transferred to the brain is visual, which is why marketing, advertisement, some therapies and storytelling are done visually. We are visual beings. I always sensed that I could produce commercial and then fine art, and I e'er wanted to do then to bring people joy.

Tracy Ellyn stands at The Jewish Museum of Florida, next to the Art Memorial she created in memory of late journalist Steven Sotloff, who was tragically beheaded by ISIS on international tv. She gave the 5 pes tall art slice to Shirley Sotloff (correct) and family as a gift. She did not know them at the fourth dimension. She found out afterward that they, besides, are from Miami. This was her but style to limited the horror the globe felt every bit the event unraveled. Giving art for healing is Tracy's signature lifestyle. The Sotloffs created the Steven Sotloff Memorial 2Lives Foundation as they, also, pay their pain frontward by helping future journalists with scholarships and HEFAT (SEAL-level) safety training. Please visit

Please share with the states a current typical solar day or week in your everyday professional life.

A typical week in my life is producing new works or reproducing old works, entering juried exhibitions, selling my work, and donating pieces to places of healing. I love giving collections to hospitals, cancer centers, chemo rooms, pastoral care spaces, wherever healing is needed. My work is in Sylvester Cancer Centre, Lennar Medical Center, Cleveland Clinic, Moffitt Cancer Center, Baptist Hospital/South Miami Hospital, and my newest serial, Genesis, has been permanently installed at Hadassah Medical Centre in Jerusalem, in their brand new, state-of-the-art Neurology Edifice. I asked specifically for the placement in Neurology/Epilepsy in retention of my son who had epilepsy. Information technology's all almost healing people whose experiences I understand.

Did your background/ethnicity create any obstacles for you? Any advantages? How and so?

Being from a Latin city like Miami changed my art quite a bit, equally opposed to what I fabricated in New York City. I did non notice until people told me. It became far more bold and colorful. It surprised me. While I would non telephone call my piece of work Miami-way, the colors and boldness certainly are. Ane can't help only be influenced by the surroundings.

What advice would you have for others in the business sector trying to make it twenty-four hours subsequently day?

As I always taught my own sons, choose a career which makes you glad that the warning clock went off in the morning.

What advice would you lot give to your younger self?

I would certainly give my younger self the advice that pleasing others for their own advancement is not about as important as being of service to humankind inside the bigger movie. Just things similar that have time.

Do yous think you have ever truly "made it" in life?

I don't believe one ever truly "makes it" in life, because life itself is always evolving. What was of import 10 years ago no longer applies. We

Tracy Ellyn

want to earn a loftier salary, then we purchase a large house, then nosotros desire peace and tranquility in a pocket-sized place in the country. We want to spend our coin, then we desire to hoard it, then we want to exist philanthropic. We want to create a commercial product, so that product no longer works, then we demand to evolve and create a new 1. And then, commercialism is no longer important but service for the greater good is. Life is always irresolute.

If you could have dinner with any person—living or dead–who would it exist? Why?

I would take loved to have spent time with Audrey Hepburn while she was all the same alive. I was fortunate to meet with her before she passed away, but not for long enough. I adore her a great deal. She lived through the horrors of Nazi-occupied World State of war II, which, at the stop of the day, gave her a deep sense of compassion. She was a beauty of great talent in Hollywood. But she gave it all up to pay forward her own experience by helping young children in developing countries who are besides suffering.

Colby Cardenas

Zachary Cardenas

Give usa your own personal quote to commemorate at LBT.

"Throw a pebble into each pond you run into. Let it cause ripples. Considering nosotros have aught material with usa when we go. Only those who needed the ripples are withal hither." – TracyEllyn

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